Healthdirect Australia



Healthdirect Australia is a government funded service dedicated to alleviating unnecessary (non life threatening) pressure from Australian hospitals by providing 24/7 health care advice with registered nurses over the phone. This service had become so successful that the phone line itself was now in need of relief. 

Our task was to create awareness for the new online Healthdirect Australia Symptom Checker. 


Our strategy was to utilise the share-ability of social media by creating a campaign where our ads looked and felt like memes and would thus be shared, liked and commented on- spreading organically.

We created these memes following four groups of messaging:
• Trust
• Relevance
• Simplicity / ease
• Australian heritage

We also used an array of different visual meme styles to test which resonate, capture attention and fly under the radar of being an ad.

The memes went gangbusters after only a week, with many more months of sharing to come. The comprehensive results will be assessed after the campaign concludes in September.